Warning. The content of this site is not suitable for minors. If you are under eighteen I suggest you try here.

Welcome to League of 'Bations! This site was originally created on Geocities by Diana Battis. When Geocities closed their free site hosting in October 2009, I got Diana's permission to move it to a new home. I hope to provide updates in the future, so if you know of a story which belongs here and isn't, use the Submissions button to let me know. If you find something amiss with the site or the links in your travels, please email me and I'll work on fixing it. Enormous thanks to Ruth for collecting all the fics and then sorting them into categories.

A lot of these stories are really old so be aware the email addresses listed on them may not work. If any author finds a fic here that they don't want to have included on the site, please contact me and I'll remove it. Some of these stories may be part of a series and only the part with the appropriate type of smut in it is housed here. Be sure to check out the headers before you start reading if you don't like to be left confused or hanging.
Disclaimer: "The X-Files" TM and © Fox and its related entities. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of these materials in any form is expressly prohibited. This web site, its operators and any content on this site relating to "The X-Files" are not authorized by Fox.
Categories -- Mulder - Scully - Both - Other - Slash

New Additions -- Updated April 2011

Stories # through M -- look for the tag

Stories N through Z -- look for the tag